Change the ring time

Type **61*+32475181851**Number of seconds# on your mobile and press the call key.
Replace "Number of seconds" by a value of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 to determine the ring time.
You can change the ring time to a maximum of 30 seconds. Don't replace +32475181851 by your own number!

An example:

Type **61*+32475181851**30# exactly and press the call key to have your calls sent to voicemail after 30 seconds.
It's normal to receive a notification that call forwarding has been activated.

Do you have an Android phone and can't find the + sign? Press and hold the "0" key and the 0 will change to a +. Otherwise, you can type **61*0032475181851**Number of seconds#.

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